Protecting Food. Empowering Whistleblowers.

Food Integrity Campaign Blog

Part 3: The Farm Bill: What it is and why you should care

Food Integrity Campaign | February 1, 2023


Read Part 1 in this blog series for an introduction to the Farm Bill. Read Part 2 in this blog series to understand the problems of the Farm Bill.  

The Policy Solution

Farm Bill negotiations for 2023 are ramping up. It’s a big opportunity for meaningful reforms to fix our current consolidated food and agriculture system. Wondering where you fit in?
  • If you care about health and nutrition, together we can advocate for a shift in government subsidies from feed grains for industrial livestock production toward more healthy and nutritious food options for our communities.
  • If you care about supporting the livelihoods and dignity of farmers, we can fight for more technical resources in the Farm Bill for farmers transitioning away from industrial agriculture to more regenerative practices.
  • If you care about the treatment of animals, we can push for a better Farm Bill that prioritizes animal welfare and provides transparency in how these industrial CAFO facilities operate.

We are joining together with a growing coalition of energized advocates from different backgrounds— farmers, ranchers, animal welfare advocates, conservationists, and health & nutrition advocates. Together we will advocate to key policy makers for a policy shift to shape a Farm Bill that prioritizes a better food system for all Americans, shifting our agricultural subsidies to benefit everyone, not just Big Ag corporations.

Why does this matter now? These policies will last 5 years but can redefine American agricultural policy for decades. We are ready to get to work! Find out how to get involved with the Food Not Feed effort to create a Farm Bill for all in 2023!


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